Sustainability and Responsibility

As early as 2003, DEUTZ implemented a voluntary environmental management system. Its compliance with the internationally applicable standard DIN EN ISO 14001 was confirmed by an independent auditor of the certification agency DNV (Det Norske Veritas) in September 2009. Through this program, DEUTZ is committed to the goal of reducing its negative impact on the environment. Recertification by DNV confirms and supports our efforts and contributions to the protection of the environment.
To continue to improve environmental protection, achieving energy savings and reducing plant-related emissions are the essential environmental objectives for DEUTZ in the medium term. In 2009, additional motor test benches were equipped with generator brakes so that the percentage of electricity fed into our own power grid could be doubled within a year.
At DEUTZ' Ulm, Germany, plant, exhaust handling for motor test areas was centralized and a soot filter meeting the criterion of "best available technology" was installed. This lowers dust emission to a level that complies with the highest technical requirements.
New technologies for the challenges of our future Since the four four-stroke engine was developed, DEUTZ has maintained its commitment to this heritage. With great innovative power, we continually optimize our products for long-term customer benefit and environmental compatibility.
To that end, DEUTZ has maintained and increased budgets for research & development despite the challenges of the recent global economic environment.
DEUTZ follows the simple principle: "As much technology as necessary and as little as possible". The innovative role in technology DEUTZ has held for 145 years marks, not our destination, but our journey. Our customers, as well as the environment, profit from increased efficiency through lower consumption, lower emission and, concurrently, better engine performance.